Stakeholder Workshop - mid-term review

FACESMAP - CEPF Joint Session on “Changing Forest Ownership” Workshop

Wednesday, 10 June, 2015, 10 - 12 a.m., Hotel International, Zagreb


Second stakeholder workshop was organised in joint cooperation with CEPF (Confederation of European Forest Owners) as a part of the 5th WG and MC FACESMAP meeting, Zagreb, Croatia, 10 June 2015.

The aim of the workshop was to discuss the preliminary results from the COST Action FACESMAP with relevant stakeholders from policy and practice (forest owner and government representatives).
Insights from the data collection and regional stakeholder discussion ('Travellab') obtained in the Action were presented, which was introduction to the discussion with stakeholders.

Representatives of following organisations took part in the workshop: of Croatian union of PFOA; Croatian Ministry of Forestry; Slovenian FOA; Slovenian Ministry of Forestry; Latvian PFOs; Austrian Farm and Forest Owners; Forest Authority Styria, Austria; Forestis (Forest Association of Portugal); Forest Service Ireland; Wild Resources, UK.

Following COST Action FACESMAP researchers took part in the discussion: Gun Lidestav (leader of WG1 on “Forest owner types”), Diana Feliciano (leader of WG2 on “New forest management”) and Teppo Hujala (leader of WG3 on “Forest policy changes”).

Workshop was moderated by Action Vice-chair Anna Lawrence (UK).

The WS discussion was taped and will be transcribed for analysis. Detailed description of the WS results will follow.

Workshop flyer find here.