New forest management approaches

The work of WG2 is related to Objective 2 of the action. The aim of WG1 is to give answers the following questions:

  • How adequate are existing forest management approaches and concepts for different ownership types?
  • What are the consequences of the changing pattern for forest management and for the provision of forest ecosystem functions and services?
  • Which new forest management approaches and concepts and techniques are needed for the different ownership types?
  • What is the awareness and access of new owners to information, advice and support, and how could this be improved?
  • What is the role of forest owners cooperatives and associations in the support of the forest management and in regard to different owner types?

Tasks WG2

  1. Literature review and screening of ongoing projects on forest management approaches and concepts adequate for different ownership types.
  2. Screening of innovative forest management approaches and concepts adequate for different ownership types in practice (collection of case studies and examples, practical experiences, and relevant initiatives across Europe).
  3. Study of new silvicultural and technological methods, institutional and organisational arrangements, planning and communication approaches, and new business models adapted to the new types of forest owners.
  4. Theoretical and empirical analysis of consequences for the provision of various forest ecosystem services.
  5. Comparative assessment of innovative solutions and of gaps and needs for policy and research: Collect, describe and analyse examples for practical solutions; derive new forest management approaches and concepts and techniques for different ownership types.

Deliverables (obj 2.)

Critical assessment of management models, including silvicultural, organisational, planning, communication, business and marketing concepts; comparative articles on innovative approaches; case studies.

WG 2 Leader

Dr. Diana Feliciano, The University of Aberdeen (diana.feliciano (at)