Abstract Preparation and Submission

Abstracts should include paper title, author names, affiliations & e-mails, keywords and abstract with max 250 words. The abstracts should describe research questions, theoretical approach, material and methods, and main findings. Authors may offer their contributions either as an oral presentation or as a poster, but the organising committee will decide the category of accepted contributions. Suggestions of panels comprising several presentations are possible and should include a panel description and abstracts for each panel presentation. Both senior and early stage researchers and both male and female authors are encouraged to submit abstracts.

Please submit your abstract by email to FACESMAP: fp1201grantholder(at)boku.ac.at 

Special Issue in Forest Policy and Economics

The conference organising committee envisages publication of selected papers from the conference in a special issue of the Elsevier journal Forest Policy and Economics. At the organisers’ discretion, strong presentations from the conference will be invited to submit papers, with a view to publishing in 2017. Papers will undergo the standard review process of the journal.