
Sopron (Hungary) - 1st WG meeting (22-23 April 2013)

During the Sopron meeting a field trip was organised on the 23rd  April for interaction with local stakeholders. This Travellab  was the first to be organised in the Action and a ‘test’ for conducting thematic field trips focused on the WG topics.

During the field trip, the group had the opportunity to learn about the context of Hungarian forest ownership structure and its development during the years. The group visited representatives of the farmers, Hungarian forestry cooperations and so-called ‘forest Integrators’. In addition, a visit to a biomass heating station and the herb garden of the monastery Pannonhalma was organised.

At this meeting participants were introduced to the idea of ‘Travellab’, which led to the development of the approach for the systematic and organised field trips. The “Travellab” Task Group was also organised during this meeting, which is dealing with all issues specific to this activity.